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Art for School [dump]
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Hiya! I'm sort of newish to Alacrity. At least, new to playing it and all. So.. I thought I'd make an art post! I'm homeschooled, but I do an online, rigorous schooling program. So since I love doing art, I decided to do a Fine Art class! Digital Art I isn't available until I'm a senior, unfortunately. :( But I'm learning new things, so it's all good! We study art history every other unit, and between those units we have a studio unit where we do a type of art(sculpture, painting, etc.) that we focused on for the time period we studied. However, in the art history units we have sketchbook assignments and 'your choice' assignments where we have to draw something, anything! I would love suggestions! People, animals, inanimate objects, anything! I have a bunch of make up lessons I missed that I need to draw for, so I have a lot of things to do and not enough ideas! So without further ado, here's some of the works I've done for my class! ^ We needed to do a relief sculpture, so I did this one for my sister. :) ^ We also needed to do an in-the-round sculpture, so I did one of my dog for my mother. :D ** This was my first time ever sculpting! D: ^ This was for a sketchbook assignment(sketch anything, basically) and I did my parrot, Elphie. :) I'm not too good with birds, so I figured I could use the practice! ^ Another sketchbook assignment. After drawing Elphie, I decided to try again and focus on wings! This looks a lot better in real life, but you get the idea, I hope! I LOVE critiques, redlines, and of course, suggestions! :D Thanks for looking!

11-27-2010 at 11:39 PM
your such a good artist!!


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